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Independent Business Owner

Christine Taylor
Christine Taylor

Christine Taylor

Independent Business Owner
ID: 2456178
Phone: 00642108116904


Greetings and welcome to my website !! Here, you will find information on how you can support your own STEM CELLS, see why they are important and how you can look after them. Have a look around at all the information and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I have been an educator in various capacities for over 30 years, and have been looking for a completely different focus. I have a passion for ageing gracefully and I understand how fitness, wellbeing and good nutrition plays a role in the ageing process. I happened to stumble across this business due to needing the products for my own health. Immediately, I loved the products, the generosity and authenticity of the company and the kind and caring people I meet and work with every day. This business enables me to realise my passion by helping others to gain great health and live the lifestyle they have dreamed for. Here is my story. I have suffered chronic pain from a damaged shoulder for a number of years, mainly from ageing and overuse using teaching equipment and running workshops in schools. I was introduced to Stem Cell Nutrition. As I was desperate to relieve my pain, I started taking both Cyactiv Joint and StemEnhance Ultra. Within a few days the pain had almost gone and movement was almost fully restored. I can now enjoy my yoga, exercise and gardening again giving me a whole new lease on life. These products have been life changing for me. However, my story continues... A few weeks later, I woke one Saturday to find my lower back in agonising pain! This is not common for me but happens rarely. A few years previously, I had been diagnosed with arthritis in my lower back. I was staying in a cold house at the time and sat up quickly. Ouch!! Over the day the pain became more chronic and I was bent double with pain. The next morning I was advised to take 4 SEU and 2CJ and to repeat the dose again at 2pm. Within minutes I literally could feel the pain subsiding. After the 2pm dose I was almost pain free. I could stand normally and the instant pain relief was phenomenal. I am truly passionate about these products, so much so, that my mission is to help and inspire others to create a healthy lifestyle simply by sharing what this company and products have to offer.

DISCLAIMER: This profile page is provided by a Cerule Independent Business Owner, not Cerule. Cerule International, LLC is not responsible for the content contained herein. Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Cerule products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.